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Barryville, New York Postcard Barryville, New York Postcard

Nimishillen Township, Harrisburg, Barryville P.O., Louisville P.O... Fine-Art Reproduction Nimishillen Township, Harrisburg, Barryville P.O., Louisville P.O... Fine-Art Reproduction

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Centennial celebration of the Minisink battle : on the actual battle field, July 22nd, 1879, with the prayer, oration and speeches delivered on the occasion, and the incidents connected with the celebration Centennial celebration of the Minisink battle : on the actual battle field, July 22nd, 1879, with the prayer, oration and speeches delivered on the occasion, and the incidents connected with the celebration

Centennial Celebration Of The Minisink Battle On The Actual Battle Field, July 22D, 1879 Centennial Celebration Of The Minisink Battle On The Actual Battle Field, July 22D, 1879

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