Access and Expansion Post-Massification: Opportunities and Barriers to Further Growth in Higher Education Participation (International Studies in Higher Education)
Mathematical Methods for Signal and Image Analysis and Representation (Computational Imaging and Vision)
Markets in Higher Education: Rhetoric or Reality? (Higher Education Dynamics)
Markets in Higher Education: Rhetoric or Reality? (Higher Education Dynamics)
Sovereign Investment: Concerns and Policy Reactions
The XIIIth World Congress of Procedural Law: the Belgian and Dutch Reports
Morning Comes and Also the Night
From the Eye of the Storm: Higher Educations Changing Institution
Mathematical Methods for Signal and Image Analysis and Representation (Computational Imaging and Vision)
From the Eye of the Storm - Higher Educations Changing Institution
Social Media and Minority Languages: Convergence and the Creative Industries (Multilingual Matters)
By Marijcke Jongbloed: Fat Legs Dont Matter
Norwegian New Testament / Det nye testamentet - dwarsliggerutgave / Bibelselskapet / 5 X 3 inches / The dwarsligger is a book concept of Jongbloed bv in Heerenveen
Review of Teixeira, Pedro, Ben Jongbloed, David Dill, and Alberto Amaral, eds., Markets in Higher Education: Rhetoric or Reality? [A book review from: Economics of Education Review]
Kit de création EURL-SARL à capital variable (French Edition)
Public-Private Dynamics in Higher Education: Expectations, Developments and Outcomes
Trace Elements In Animal Production Systems
THE LIVING DESERT . Arabian Heritage Series. [Dubai, United Arab Emirates]
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